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Origin Story

It's been almost nine and a half months since I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

In the early stages, I had so many thoughts going through my mind. So many things I was trying to understand. I wrote quite a bit in the beginning, but mostly just thoughts, and questions. And fears. So many fears.

And then treatment started. And the writing stopped. Still, the thoughts, the questsions, and fears continued. I was just too tired, too sick. Despite having more time on my hands than I ever had in my life, there was no time to write.

Now that I'm starting to make my way out of it, I have felt the need to write more and more. Mostly for myself, but if I can write something that in any helps someone else out there going through the same thing, that's all the better. I searched and found blogs or discussion boards or YouTube video tutorials that helped me. Still do. I'm sure I will in the future.

This is my way of giving back in the smallest way possible, honoring all those who have been touched by cancer, and my way of attemptting to make sense of it all.

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